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                                                     WORM  IN THE AKHBARI THEORY

The Akhbari shia school of thought has many serious holes in the basic principles of their faith. One of the dangerous hole is their belief that action (amal) is not a part of faith. They preach this concept vehemently  and say that only faith is enough to get you deliverance (najat).In exceptional cases ,where a person has accepted faith at end of his life, it is mentioned that a true faith makes you liable for the reward of all the good deeds .But exception is not the rule. The president of India has the right to pardon a person who has been sentenced to death penalty or life imprisonment and many people has been saved by this clause of the Indian constitution, but this does not makes  it a rule.

According to Holy Quran and hadith faith and action are like twins and one is not accepted without the other. The famous surah-Asr of the Holy Quran goes as follows,

“By the time! Man is in loss except those who believe and do good deeds and preach the truth(haq) and preach patience (sabr).

According to the above great surah only those who believe and act will be successful. Doing good deeds, preaching truth and preaching patience come under action. But the Akhbaris do not accept this and what they accept is that only faith can make you a great man and even get you paradise. This belief of the Akhbaris is totally against the Holy Quran and the teaching of the Prophet and his holy family (ahlulbaith).There are hundred of verses of the holy Quran which clearly say that faith and action are required for deliverance. Regarding faith and action Imam Ali (as) says,

“Good deeds are evidence of faith and faith is the evidence of  good deeds.”

Nahjulbalagha: Sermon-154

According to the above great saying of Imam Ali (as) if you have faith you will do good deeds and if you are doing good deeds you have faith. If you are not doing good deeds your faith is not proved. And your doing good deeds is a proof that you have faith. A man once asked the Holy Prophet (saw) that how he should be convinced that he has faith (iman) to which the Holy Prophet (saw) replied,

“ If you are feeling happy after doing a good action and feeling sorry after doing an evil action then it is a proof that you have faith.”

From the above hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw) it is clear that a man who is not feeling sorry for the evil deeds committed by him is a faithless man and on the same line, a man who does not feels   happy on doing good deeds is also a faithless man. The excitement which you feel while doing a good action is a proof that you have faith. And the excitement which you feel while doing an evil action is a proof  that you are a faithless person.

Faith and action, like a lock and a key, are independent principles which together make a whole. Faith and action together make a whole called religion. A religion which does not prescribes good action to its followers is not a religion at all. A lock without a key is of no use except that you can use it to break your head or the heads of others. And only a key without a lock is of no use except to scratch your………………. .

Imam Ali (as) says : “ Faith and action are twin brothers and companions who do not part away;Allah does not accepts one without its counterpart.”

Book: Ghorar al Hikam-chapter –Faith.

The Akhbaris claim that they follow only Quran and hadith. But the above verses of the Holy Quran and the hadith which I have quoted are enough to prove that they do not follow any one of them. They follow the teachings of Mr.Riyazuddin Haider Jaffari and are doing his taqleed vehemently. A believer has to obey Allah and not any x,y and z. Imam Ali (as) says

“ A friend of Muhammad is he who obeys Allah, even though he may have no blood relationship with him and the enemy of Muhammad is the one who disobeys Allah even though he may be related to him (saw) by blood.”

Nahjulbalagha: Saying -95  (in urdu 96)

According to the above saying of Imam Ali (as) if you are not doing deeds made obligatory by Allah you are an enemy of Muhammad (saw).Now, has anyone got guts to say that action is not required to get deliverance? A faith without action is no faith at all because Imam Ali (as) says,

“ Faith is acknowledging with tongue and acting with limbs.”

Book: Nahjulbalagha, Ghorar al Hikam

If you are not doing good actions with your limbs you have no faith at all. You are a disbeliever when you say that action is not a part of faith in the sense that you can get deliverance without action (as a rule).Exceptions are there wherein a person accepted true faith and did not have time to perform good deeds and died immediately. For such people Imam Ali (as) said,

Any one of you who dies in his bed while he had knowledge  of the rights of Allah and the rights of his Prophet and member’s of Prophet’s house (ahlulbaith) would die as martyr.His reward is due on Allah.He is eligible to the recompense of what good acts he has intended to do.Since his intention takes the place of drawing the sword.Certainly for everything there is a time and a limit.”

Nahjulbalagha:Sermon-188- last para

Imam Ali (as): “ You should practice patience because patience is for faith what the head is for the body, so that just as there is no good in a body without the head there is no good in faith without patience.” Nahjulbalagha: Saying-82

Islam and faith are two sides of the same coin called religion (deen). If you accept Islam and follow it you will have faith. Imam Ali (as) says,

“ I am defining Islam as no one has defined before me-Islam is submission, submission is conviction, conviction is affirmation, affirmation is acknowledgement, acknowledgement is discharge of obligations, and discharge of obligations is action.”  Nahjulbalagha: Saying-124

It means discharge of obligation is Islam and discharging of obligation is action (amal).Hence, action is the proof  of faith and faith is the proof of action (Islam).


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