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                                                  HAZRAT ALI AND BAHUBALI

After watching Bahubali-2 blockbuster movie it became very clear to me that it is inspired from the real live of the greatest legend of Islam  Hazrat Ali the cousin and son in law of Prophet Mohammed (saw).Hazrat Ali (as) is famous for his exemplary muscle power and single combat skills and war tactics. In his youth itself he terminated the greatest horn points of Arabia and became the main factor in the establishment  Islam .Apart  from being a legendary warrior,  Hazrat Ali (as) was also a great philosopher and man of letters. He was a wonderful orator , a wise man and above all a great and obedient servant of God who was always found busy chanting the verses of the Holy Quran. Owing to all these contrasting qualities the Prophet of Islam declared him as his caliph and vicegerent. The people also loved him and were ready to lay down their lives for him. But like our Bahubali he (as) was striped of his position and made an adviser to the ruling authority and this did not deter Hazrat Ali (as) from giving sincere advises (for the protection of Islam) to the ruling authority. During the rule of all the fist three caliph of Islam he (as) led a life of a common man and benefited the ruler and the ruled with his wisdom and philanthropic activities. In the movie it is shown that Bahubali despite of being a rightful owner to the throne suffers immense atrocities to the extent that his wife is dragged into the court despite of her pregnancy. Hazrat Ali ‘s wife – the daughter of Prophet Mohammed (saw)- was also dragged out of her house  while she was pregnant and her house was set on fire and she was taken to the court along with her husband Ali(as) who was in ropes around his neck. Despite of all these atrocities Ali (as) did not lose his patience and was later  selected by the huge public demand as the fourth caliph of Islam. But to the irony of fate, Ali (as) was blamed by his opponents  for the murder of Usman-the third caliph and was trapped into a quagmire of bloodshed and war politics. Bahublai is also shown to be trapped in a murder conspiracy by his opponent  Bhallaladeva and is finally murdered for the same reason. Even Hazrat Ali was killed  for the false blame that he planned the murder of Usman by Mawiya and his men. Mawiya was the Bhallaladeva in Hazrat Ali’s life who tortured him whole of his life and finally got him killed while he was busy in his prayers.Well, the movie Bahubali-2 contains all the element which were there in the life of the real hero –Hazrat Ali (as).


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