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The root word of AKHBARI is the word 'akhbar' which in Arabic means 'traditions of the Holy Prophet and his family.Akhbari means the one who sticks to the traditions (hadith) of the Holy Prophet (saw) and his Holy family.The name itself brings to light the revolting spirit of the so called 'akhbaris' against the Holy Prophet of Islam because Prophet Muhammad (saw) never asked his ummah (Muslims)  just to stick to his traditions, to the contrary, he (saw) while departing from this materialistic world said:

" I am leaving among you two weighty things; the book of Allah and my Ahlul-baith (sunnah).As long as you stick to both of them you will never get misguided." And according to another version of the same hadith he (saw) said: " I am leaving among you two weighty things; the book of Allah and my Sunnah. As long as you stick to both of them you will never get misguided."

There is no contradiction between the two versions because the Ahlul-baith of the Prophet are the embodiment of his (saw) sunnah.The sunnah of the Holy Prophet refers to the traditions or akhbars of him (saw) and his family.When the Prophet (saw) is asking his ummah to stick to both, the book of Allah and his sunnah, how dare one can coin the term AKHBARI and still without any iota of shame claim to be on truth and go on preaching their filthy untruth.Half truth is full untruth.Imam Ali (as) the love of all the true believers,in his Nahjulbalagha, says,

"Refer to Allah and His Prophet the affairs which worry you and matters which appear confusing to you because addressing the people whom Allah wished to guide He said: O' you who believe; Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and those vested with authority-ulilamr-from among you; and then if you quarrel about anything refer it to Allah and the Prophet if you believe in Allah and in the last day-quran-4:59.Referring to Allah means to act according to what is clear in His book and referring to the Prophet means to follow the unanimously agreed sunnah in regard to which there are no differences." Nahjulbalagha :Letter 53.

This is a miracle that Allah-the all-mighty-has exposed the misguidance of the akhbaris by their own tongue.As long as these people will call themselves akhbaris their revolt against the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) will be evident to the world.The  anti-Quran stand of the akhbaris is also evident to the world by their staunch support to their version of tahreef according to which the Holy Quran is corrupted to the extent that many surahs and verses are removed from it.

The akhbaris claim that akhbarism is the true religion as left by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and is not a sect.The Holy Prophet did say that after him his Ummah ,not Islam, will be divided into 73 sects out of which only one will get deliverance.He (saw) did not mention any special name of that sect.During the life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) the true religion had only two names; Islam and Shia of Ali.The word akhbari is not found either in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) or in the Holy Quran. 

The story of akhbarism is similar to the story of Samari and the golden calf which is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Samari told the people of Moses that this calf is the real God which Moses forgot to mention.The akhbaris stand is quiet similar.They are calling a sect made by them as the true religion  whose name the holy Prophet(saw) did not even mention in his traditions.All the 72 sects have names,but the true religion has only two names;Islam and 'Shia of Ali'.The word akhbari is not among these two names.Hence, the akhbari sect is one of those 72 sects which are going to land up in hell and a very prominent sign of their doom is their haughtiness,pride and arrogance.Well,said a great man : " Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall."



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