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We humans, the species Homo sapiens, are gifted with a great faculty called ‘thinking’. It is the only tool, which has made us superior to all the other species on earth, and is responsible for our complete dominance over them. But recent research on Apes, Lemurs and Monkey has shown that even they have the ability to think, but to a very lesser degree (The Dragons of Eden:Carl Sagan). It was found that Chimps and Apes use sticks in order to get the termites out of their holes (The Dragons of Eden). All the Primates (Lemurs,Apes,Monkey and Humans) have this special gift to some degree. But the humans differ from the other Primates in a having a highly developed faculty of “thinking”.

Fig.1.All the monkey like mammals including humans are called primates.

All the Primates use “thinking” to fulfill their materialistic requirement. But human beings are the only Primates to have the faculty of Philosophical and Mathematical thinking. This kind of thinking is Peculiar to human and is absent in other Primates. The Apes cannot ponder over the creation of heaven and earth and completely lack the capacity to ask questions like: Who are we? Why do we exist? What is the reason behind the existence of this cosmos? Is there a creator? Etc.
This difference between the other Primates and human beings is because of the difference in weight and the anatomy of their brains (The Dragons of Eden). The Primates (Apes, Lemurs, Monkey and humans) have the heaviest brain in the animal Kingdom. And among Primates humans have the heaviest brain: as because a large number of nervous are packed in a very small volume. And with regard to the anatomy of the brain we all (all Primates) follow triune brain model.

Fig.2.Figure showing the triune brain model of primates(The Dragons of,59)


A sagittal section of brain from the middle shows three areas,
1. R- complex (Reptilian complex)
2. Limbic system
3. Neo-cortex
The human being differ from Primates .in a having a highly developed neo-cortex, whereas the neo-cortex of all the other Primates is feebly developed (The Dragons of Eden).
Coming to the triune model of brain, the R-complex is the Reptilian complex found in Reptiles & Mammals and is absent in Amphibians and Fishes, it is the seat of sex and aggressive behavior. The Limbic system is will developed in Mammals, feebly developed in reptiles, and is the seat of strong emotions like, love, fear and olfaction. A well-developed Neo-cortex is found only in human and is present in the other Primates in rudimentary stage. It is made of a left and right cerebral hemisphere and is the seat of thinking, balance etc. The left cerebral hemisphere is associated with mathematical and analytical thinking and the right cerebral hemisphere is associated with philosophical thinking and pattern recognition (The Dragons of Eden).
A well-developed Neo-cortex is peculiar to humans and so the qualities associated with it (Mathematical and philosophy thinking).
As because the other primates have a less developed neo-cortex, they use their thinking only to fulfill their food requirement.

Fig.3.Humanbeings are primates.

If we, humans, are busy thinking of the ways of earning livelihood, then we are no greater than Apes and Lemurs. To be a human being, we have to ponder over the creation of the heaven and earth then, and then only we have the right to be called as human being. And it is the only way which makes our Neo-cortex work & develop further. Regarding this sort of thinking Quran says: verily! In the creation of the heaven and earth and in the alteration of night and day there are indeed sings for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah (God) standing, sitting, lying down on their sides and think deeply about the creation of heaven and earth, saying “our Lord! You have not created this without a purpose, glory to be you! Give us salvation from the torments of fire”.

In this article, when I say thinking, it refers to pondering over the creation of heaven and earth and whatever existing in it.
The first western philosopher who gave importance to this sort of thinking was Rene Descartes.

Fig.4.Portret of Rene Descartes,the father of co-ordinate geomentry.

Rene Descartes was born in England in 1950.A mathematician and a philosopher, he invented the “coordinate geometry” and is known as the father of “Modern Philosophy” (History of Western Philosophy:Bertrand Russell). His “cogito ergo sum: I think, therefore I exist” came as a fresh breath to exhausting, materialistic western Philosophy. He is known as the discoverer of “cogito”. His philosophy is popularly known as “the Cogito.I think”. The cogito, opened new avenues in the western philosophy and saved it from abrupt end. It also solved forever, the problem relating to the hierarchy of matter and mind, which was existing since the time of Plato.
Descartes started with a method called “Cartesian doubt”, doubting every possible thing, till you reach the certain; a part from skepticism, it was actually a method which Knew the result before hand. He declared that every sensible thing can be doubted. Senses are deceptive. They eyes deceive, by falsely showing a straight rod in water to be bent. Hence Knowledge gained through senses is not fool proof. He was in search of something, which cannot be doubted. He was in search of a concrete and fool proof method by which Knowledge could be gained, so he went on to say: Everything I see is deception, this world, its people, my body etc. May be this world is a magic, and all that exist in it. May be a Satan has charmed me (History of Western philosophy). My body may also be a deception. May be, it is a dream. But there is one thing in which there is no doubt: ‘My thinking’; Thinking is the sole proof of one’s existence. Hence he declared ‘cogito ergo sum : I think, therefore I must exist: Through ‘Cogito’ Descartes established the superiority of ‘mind’ over ‘matter’ when ‘mind’ which is the seat of thinking is the proof the material,(his body) it means the invisible is superior to the visible . It was finally established that the knowledge gained through thinking is superior to the knowledge gained through the senses: Newton’s laws of motion, Einstein’s theory of relativity and Planck’s quantum theory are the knowledge gained through thinking; they have indeed changed the world. The senses give you knowledge of the visible world, whereas ‘thinking ‘gives you the hidden knowledge of the laws governing the world. Hence real knowledge comes from inside, not from outside. The Knowledge gained through the senses acts only as a media to reach the Real knowledge.
Descartes Philosophy is a preference of mind over matter, soul over body and god over the universe. Just as mind exists in us, God exist in the universe. There can be no body without a ‘Mind’ and hence there can be no universe without a ‘God’ this is what “Cogito ergo sum” has given to the western philosophy. (Those who wish to know more of Descartes philosophy can go to Bertrand Russell’s ‘History of western philosophy’).

Coming to Hadrat Ali (The first muslim and the fourth caliph of islam), what all Descartes has said in his philosophy of ‘Cogito’ he(as) has summed it up in three of his following saying.

1). Perception by the eyes is not real observation because the eyes sometime deceive people: but wisdom does not deceive whomsoever it counsels.
Nahjulbalagha(Anthology of sermons,letters and sayings of Hadrat Ali) : saying no:281

Here Hadrat Ali says that senses, especially eyes deceive. And hence the Knowledge gained by senses is not completely reliable. Wisdom is nothing but a kind of thinking. And it never deceives.

2). ‘Thinking is a clear mirror’
Nahjul balagha:saying no: 4

Hadrat Ali says that thinking is a flaw less tool just as clear mirror which gives a clear image to its observer for gaining genuine knowledge. He means to say that the knowledge gained through thinking is credible.

3) “There is no Knowledge like thinking
Nahjul balagha saying no: 113

There is no honor like knowledge
Nahjul balagha saying no: 113

Here Hadrat Ali says that greatest knowledge is that which is gained by thinking. All the great theories in Physics, which describe the functioning of the universe as well as the subatomic particles, were achieved through the thinking of great minds. All the computers and other modern equipments work on the principle of Planck’s quantum theory, which describe the behavior of the subatomic particle where as the general theory of relativity is responsible for the functioning of the nuclear power plants and the big bombs and describe the functioning of the cosmos. Both the theories are the outcome of ‘thinking’.
The greatest knowledge is thinking and the greatest honor is knowledge. It means that the greatest honor for the man is ‘thinking’. If you don’t ponder you are not a human being.

Hadrat Ali has said what all Descartes has said, but he (A.S) said it a thousand year before Descartes and a part from that he (A.S) did not get leisure like Descartes, to the contrary he was a ‘man of war’ busy fighting bloody battles and often would return home with his sword drenched in blood and his clothes immersed in heart and brain fluid of the enemies of truth(Heroes and Hero worship:Gibbon).
I salute Hadrat Ali for his great mind.



Unknown said…
Salam Alaykum Zeeshan,
Have been through your post. Mashallah, your make things pretty clear and interesting. Expounding Imam Ali's (s) ideas on creation and human life is spiritually refreshing.
If you are in staying in Hyderabad, I would like to invite you for a Talk on 'Islamic contribution to modern science' for a group of Intermediate & Engineering students (aged 14-18)
Please let me know at
Fi Amanillah,
Mustafa Zaidi,
Coordinator, Imam Mahdi (a) Centre for Student Deveelopment, Darulshifa, Hyderabad
Tel: 9396218786 / 65408664
AkheelMH said…
ASAK Zeeshan Bhai,

This is Akheel (Gulam Imam), your brother in faith...hope you remember...I went to your home to enquire about u, after my repeated attempts to connect to you was answered with "sorry, the phone is switched off...", and your mother told us that you left for Dubai. Please give your phone number or an email ID so that we can continue to be in touch....We are really missing you...can't describe in words....please reply to me through phone or an email as soon as you read this email id is and phone no. is 9392920110

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