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Showing posts from March, 2017


The root word of AKHBARI is the word 'akhbar' which in Arabic means 'traditions of the Holy Prophet and his family.Akhbari means the one who sticks to the traditions (hadith) of the Holy Prophet (saw) and his Holy family.The name itself brings to light the revolting spirit of the so called 'akhbaris' against the Holy Prophet of Islam because Prophet Muhammad (saw) never asked his ummah (Muslims)  just to stick to his traditions, to the contrary, he (saw) while departing from this materialistic world said: " I am leaving among you two weighty things; the book of Allah and my Ahlul-baith (sunnah).As long as you stick to both of them you will never get misguided." And according to another version of the same hadith he (saw) said: " I am leaving among you two weighty things; the book of Allah and my Sunnah. As long as you stick to both of them you will never get misguided." There is no contradiction between the two versions because the Ahlul...