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Showing posts from October, 2017


                                    Ahlul-Baith in Sahih Muslim The word Ahlul-Baith literally means ‘People of the House’, but in Islamic world it means the people  of the house of  Prophet Muhammad (saw).But if you refer to Quran it means those special people in Prophet Muhammad’s family who were made pure by God and were protected from every kind of blemish and sin whether big or small. The  following verses of the Holy Quran is an evidence to the fact, “ And stay you (wives of Prophet Muhammad) in your houses and display not your beauty  like the display of the ignorance of old times, and establish you prayer and give away the poor-rate, and obey God and His Apostle; Verily, verily God intends to keep away from uncleanness O’ you Ahlul-Baith, and purify you a thorough purification.” Quran :33:33 In this verses God,in the first part, is addressing the wives of ...