ON THINKING We humans, the species Homo sapiens, are gifted with a great faculty called ‘thinking’. It is the only tool, which has made us superior to all the other species on earth, and is responsible for our complete dominance over them. But recent research on Apes, Lemurs and Monkey has shown that even they have the ability to think, but to a very lesser degree (The Dragons of Eden:Carl Sagan). It was found that Chimps and Apes use sticks in order to get the termites out of their holes (The Dragons of Eden). All the Primates (Lemurs,Apes,Monkey and Humans) have this special gift to some degree. But the humans differ from the other Primates in a having a highly developed faculty of “thinking”. Fig.1.All the monkey like mammals including humans are called primates. All the Primates use “thinking” to fulfill their materialistic requirement. But human beings are the only Primates to have the faculty of Philosophical and Mathematical thinking. This kind of thinking is Peculiar to human a...